Walks Are Always
Better With Friends &
Treats To Share
Dog Treats

How Treats Help to Train.
Treats are a great way to positively reinforce an action that has been completed. Dogs who receive rewards by way of a treat, as well as the positive words such as ‘great work’, ‘well done’ and ‘good dog’. Quickly learn why they are being rewarded. This should help with not creating a dependence on behavior only associated with treats.
Keeping Happy, Healthy, Well Trained Dogs

Dog Toys

Spring into the New Season with
Friends To Cuddle With.
Seasonal Specials

Dog Supplements

Home is where the head rests, is that the saying?
We believe that wherever your dog likes to rest, is a clear indication that they have found comfort. This could be laying upside down, sleeping with their feet tucked in and in a bean bag. Or it could be spread out in the middle of the room. They always seem to find the most obscure places to lay.
This is why we offer memory foam, fur lined beds or cushions to suit wherever your dog likes to lay.
Comfort and calm is the ultimate way to ensure your dog is rested.